A guide to video content: From planning to production

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06 Sep 2023

A guide to video content: From planning to production

Video content is an influential marketing tool that could breathe life into your brand and engage audiences like other methods can’t. By leveraging the power of video, you can capture the imagination of your customers and connect with them in a new way.

As well as getting your business noticed by your target market, video content is a powerful SEO tactic that can improve your visibility (how easily you’re found online). Read on to discover how to use visual storytelling to boost your business.

What is video content?

Not just trending challenges and cat videos (although these can absolutely work!), video content comes in different forms:

Vlogs: Use vlogs to bring your audience along for the journey. These are usually casual videos that give people a glimpse into your world and what goes on behind-the-scenes. It’s a great place to let your personality shine!

Webinars: Webinars are used to share knowledge and educate watchers in an interactive way. It’s your chance to give tips, industry news, and hold live sessions, like Q&As.

Social media videos: You can post short, attention-grabbing videos on platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook. They’re good places for joining in on trends or other viral content.

Tutorials: Help your audience make the most of your products by creating useful tutorials that show how to use them. You could also share hacks and other guides - people appreciate added value!

Benefits of video content in marketing

There are lots of ways video content can add fuel to your marketing:

User engagement: Videos have a lot of power when it comes to inviting engagement. People love to follow and interact with interesting clips and brand stories.

Reaching new customers: Video content has widespread appeal, making it possible to tap into new audiences and get in front of potential customers.

Educating the audience: Empower viewers with knowledge about your products and services. You can even share expert insights and industry tips and tricks to help position your business as a trustworthy source of information.

Increasing brand visibility: Sharing quality videos will help you get noticed. This type of original content helps you to stand out and get more eyes on your brand!

How does video marketing improve SEO?

Video marketing not only works for your audience, it can enhance your SEO too. Take a look at these compelling stats:

  • 31% of marketers add video to improve SEO (source: HubSpot)

  • 83% of video marketers say that video helps them generate leads (source: HubSpot)

  • 72% of consumers prefer to watch a video about a product than read a product description (source: Backlinko)

As the data suggests, embracing video content as part of your SEO strategy can help increase your organic reach and lead generation.

How to plan and produce video content

If you’re feeling ready to become a digital content creator, here’s a step-by-step approach to planning and producing video content:

  1. Choose the right platform

Think about your target audience and the type of videos you want to create when picking the platform. This could include YouTube - generally used for more long-form, information-rich content, or platforms like TikTok and Instagram - better for snappy, bite-sized videos. To get more from the longer YouTube style videos, you can repurpose short clips and post them across other platforms.

  1. Understand your audience

It’s important to know your audience so you can make videos that they’ll actually watch and will resonate with them. Consider what they want to see, and make sure you speak their language - this will help you really connect with them!

2. It’s filming time!

Lights, camera, action! Get creative and use quality equipment to record your content. Think about both the visuals and the audio to make sure the video comes out looking professional. Many social media platforms have great in-app editing options, like Instagram and TikTok.

3. Amplify your content

Rather than just posting and sitting back waiting for results, be proactive and share your video across social media channels, as well as sending it to your newsletter subscribers, if you have them. If it’s relevant, you could also think about a collaboration with other businesses or influences to maximise exposure.

4. Track and optimise

Measure how your video performs by looking at metrics like views, likes, comments, and shares. These are useful insights to help you figure out what works and what doesn’t, so you know how to improve future content. Don’t be discouraged by low metrics when you’re first starting outgrowing your online presence - everyone has to start somewhere!

Building video content into your marketing strategy can be very effective for businesses. From vlogs and tutorials to fun social media videos, it can grab attention, encourage audience engagement, and improve brand visibility, and it has important SEO benefits.

To learn more about video content and SEO, you can chat with one of our helpful V-Hub Digital Advisers for 1-2-1 support. You can also test your own SEO performance here.

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